over 8 or over 40

In my state (Washington) the law is work over 40 hours is considered overtime to non-exempt. We are a new company with some new non-ee's that work a lot of extra time and they are concerned about 1 day holidays that becomes a penalty rather than a benefit when they have to work some extra during the week. Is this just the way it is...or should I try to accomodate them in some way that is legal.
The other side of the coin is there is nothing that says you have to provide holiday pay (or holidays OFF for that matter), so they ARE getting a benefit provided by the company (the holiday pay for a day off). Perhaps a little reminder of that will end or at least subdue the complaining.
We were working under an over 8/over 40 policy, however, are changing our shifts to 4/10's so we will be changing policy to anything over 40 only. The policy will still apply that anything over the "available" time will be overtime.
A. Rodriguez
Human Resource Manager