Travel Pay - Does Anyone Do This? Plz Help

I'd like to pose a question regarding Travel pay for hourly employees and appreciate your assistance.
Does anyone out there go beyond the DOL reg's regarding Travel Pay for Hourly EEs? If you do, what made you decide to do so? What have been the consequences? Could we get in trouble if we went beyond what the reg's say and pay for all travel time over 8 hours in a M-F 9-5 workday?
Does anyone out there go beyond the DOL reg's regarding Travel Pay for Hourly EEs? If you do, what made you decide to do so? What have been the consequences? Could we get in trouble if we went beyond what the reg's say and pay for all travel time over 8 hours in a M-F 9-5 workday?
Put some serious thought into this one before you open the checkbook. You need guidelines in place to prevent abuse. It doesn't take ees long to figure out that if they take the later flight and sleep, they get lots of cash.
This is more than you are required. You do not have to pay ee for travel time outside of their normal working hours.