FSA Question - Dependent Care

Our Employee wishes to enroll in the dependent care assistance program [DCAP].

Employee's spouse is a full time student.

They have two children under the age of 13.

Is there a limit to the amount of expenses they can deduct monthly or annually?


  • 3 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • They can deduct 5000.00 annually. Which is 96.15 a week.

  • I have always been under the understanding, the following understanding. Both you and your spouse must work. Which makes sense if you read the following, which I cut and pasted from the IRS website. Basically, if the spouse has no earning, then the amount that is required to be reported as income in the full 5000.00

    Should Line 10, Dependent Care Benefits, of my Form W-2 be included when calculating my income?

    A portion of the amount in Box 10 of the Form W-2 may be includable in your income. Please refer to the Instructions for Form 2441, Child and Dependent Care Expenses, to determine how much, if any, of the dependent care benefits may be excluded. If you meet the requirements described in Form 2441 (PDF), Child and Dependent Care Expenses, you can exclude up to $5,000 of dependent care benefits provided under a qualified employer plan. However, this amount is reduced or eliminated if your earned income (or your spouse's earned income) is less than $5,000, or if your child is not under age 13. Any benefits that exceed the exclusion limit ($5,000) are also includable in your income, and your employer should have included these amounts in Boxes 1, 3, and 5 of your Form W-2 in addition to reporting these amounts in Box 10. The amount you can exclude is figured and claimed by completing Part III of Form 2441 or Schedule 2 of Form 1040A.


    Publication 503, Child and Dependent Care Expenses
    Form 2441 (PDF), Child and Dependent Care Expenses
    Instructions for Form 2441, Child and Dependent Care Expenses
  • From Publication 503, under the "rule for student-spouse or spouse not able to care for self" under the Earned Income Test:

    Your spouse is treated as having earned income for any month that he or she is:

    1) A full-time student, or

    2) Physically or mentally not able to care for himself or herself.
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