You may not be appreciating the importance of using a local EAP in your area---at least a local office. Try checking with other organizations in your area for potential vendors. Try the phone book or your local SHRM chapter. While I may be very satisfied with my EAP provider, it will offer you no value unless your live in the same city.
I need EAP info also. Where do you get it? How much does it cost? Is there a contract involved? I asked my health insurance broker about one and he didn't know what I was talking about. Do I need a new broker??
Your broker should know how to locate one for you. Many EAP's are nation-wide and contract with local providers to provide services. You can be charged two ways, either by the sevices provided or by so much per quarter per employee, regardless of use. Expect about 8 to 10 percent of your employees and/or their family members will use the EAP per quarter. Family members are usually covered at little extra cost and should be covered. It's a great benefit!
I can recommend an excellent benefits consultant if you need one.
We contract with our Local Family Service Agency. They are cost effective and they also will let your employees go to the neighboring town if they want. It works well for us.
You might want to contact some larger local employers and find out who they use. As one of the respondents noted, don't underestimate the value of a local provider and don't worry about size too much. Our EAP consists of a two partner psychology and consulting practice. One of the partners is our main contact and the other is the main contact for another university in the area. In both instances there is a lot of personal contact and they are true partners to HR in both locations.
I have researched the local area and contacted my broker to no avail. That's why I came here with the question. EAP's apparently aren't as easy to locate as one would think. However, I did a web search and came up with some names there.
I can recommend an excellent benefits consultant if you need one.
Margaret Morford