On-Line Benefits

Does anyone out there use on-line benefits administration for their employees? We are considering implementing this next year. It is costly,but will eliminate a lot of paper that is constantly being pushed, filed, refiled, etc. What types of employee issues have you had in transferring to this system. Are they pretty much receptive to using this. We have a lot of employees who are used to being "hand held" through everything and I am apprehensive they will be very resistant to this type of program, but, at the same time,we have to move foward to using our people resources to the best advantage.

Let me know your thoughts.



  • 1 Comment sorted by Votes Date Added
  • We had a similar situation--lots of hand holding. We enrolled on-line in October 2001. We offered 3 incentives--$100 gift certificates if enrolled on-line by enrollment deadline date. Of approx. 650 employees in plan, only 42% enrolled on-line, the remainder enrolled by paper enrollment. We're not giving up and will try again this fall.
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