Sign In/Out Mechanism

We have approx. 125 employees. We have a sign in/out book at the front desk
used to know when employees are here/not here. We also use this to help track
submitted leave requests.

Does anyone have a better way of handling this? The employees think we are "watching their time". We'd like to go to a check-mark in/check-mark out system, but there is no way of confirming partial day absences, early departures other than the honor system.

Any ideas are appreciated.


  • 2 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • Have you considered a time clock system? We currently do a sign in/sign out method, but have had employees fudge times, and it's hard to manage, so we're contemplating establishing time clocks.

  • [font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON 07-30-01 AT 02:03PM (CST)[/font][p]Our organization has a computer terminal near the entrance with a computer "time clock" program. Each non-exempt employee has a password to use and must "punch in/out" mornings, for lunch, and upon leaving. They do not need to punch in/out for short breaks. Exempt employees who are going out of the office to a meeting, generally tell the receptionist when they can be expected to return. Also, employees leave messages on their voice mail to let callers know if they will be out of the office for several days; who to speak with while they are out; and when they expect to return. MBird NACCAS

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