Need advice - WC injury?

Employee in Il on lunch hour. Had auto wreck during lunch, was injured.
After the wreck he told our HR manager he was on lunch break. Told another he was coming in to work to get his check. Either way, WC was not filed at the time.
He has retained a lawyer to apply for benefits to IL Worker's comp commision. Do we turn this over to our WC insurers at this point or do we defend ourselves? Don't know if he has changed his story to add that he was on business at time of wreck - can't think of any other reason he'd file the WC claim.
Thanks for any advice -
After the wreck he told our HR manager he was on lunch break. Told another he was coming in to work to get his check. Either way, WC was not filed at the time.
He has retained a lawyer to apply for benefits to IL Worker's comp commision. Do we turn this over to our WC insurers at this point or do we defend ourselves? Don't know if he has changed his story to add that he was on business at time of wreck - can't think of any other reason he'd file the WC claim.
Thanks for any advice -
Of course, that doesn't stop him from making a claim, but my gut tells me you are OK on this. I would give this info to your WC carrier - we had a similar situation recently and our WC carrier responded to the claim, stating that under applicable laws, this is not a WC injury therefore no liability is assumed on behalf of the employer. If you have a good relationship with your claims manager, you may want to give him/her a call and just run it by them. Remember, you pay them premiums to take care of you in situations like this.
Good luck!
Sounds to me like he has an attorney for auto insurance reasons (to sue the other driver), but I may be mistaken. You never know what might happen. By the way, was this in a company car or does he drive for company business (other than just coming to and from work.)?
E Wart