FMLA Tracking software????

HELP!!!!! I am having a heck of a time tracking FMLA on a rolling calendar year, especially when taken in hourly increments. It was no big trouble when the only employees on FMLA were those on extended maternity leave. As our company grows (reaching the 100 mark), we have more employees with major health issues or are caring for elderly parents. I am spending countless hours trying to keep track of hours used and hours they gain back. This rolling calendar is giving me a rolling headache!!

Can any of you recommend a secret formula or a user friendly software I can purchase?? We use ADP as our payroll service, ohne resaon because their software has a great HR side to it. It has an FMLA setup, however it only tracks days, not hours. Any help you can give will be greatly appreciated.


  • 8 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • [url][/url] has FMLA tracking software. I've been using it for several years and it is a nice, basic, user-friendly program. It's fairly inexpensive as well but I don't remember the cost. Check their website for more information.
  • This is where you need to delegate. We have almost 300 EEs and I don't keep that first usage record. I insist that my Supervisors keep an Excel spreadsheet up to date on all leave usage including FMLA. I get all the certifications and send out the response/approval letters with a copy going to the Sup for documentation purposes.

    We use the rolling backward method to track and (knock on wood), we have not had a problem since we started this about 4 years ago. Sure did take a big headache away from my office.
  • Popeye: I'm glad you can delegate. Unfortunately some us us can't. Management would never have our supervisors keep track of FMLA for their people which is why it all falls in my lap. For those of us who are not as fortunate as you, the JJKeller software makes it very easy to keep track of FML usage. I'm so jealous of you.
  • Deligate! Been there done that! I am now paying the price. When you have a rolling calendar, it seems that some people have no concept of what that means. However, when it is explained, they look at you and say they understand. I for the life of me can not figure out that person's method. Nevertheless, it is a mess. I have put in a purchase request for JJKeller! Hopefully I will get approval before I pull out the rest of my hair. Thanks for all the input.
  • What's the maximum number of employees that can be handled by the software???
  • I'm not sure as I don't have that many people on FMLA at a time. We only have about 200 employees and at the most I've had five people at at once to keep track of. The website may tell you or feel free to call them. They have been very helpful to me in the past.
  • Hello Popeye - I've been wanted to create an EXCEL spreadsheet to track FMLA - would it be possible for you to email me the one you're using - would be much appreciated! [email][/email].

    BRRRR, it's cold in CO :)
  • EVSWIFE: I have read all of the above and I do not understand the difficulty experienced. When requested we figure out the drop out sunset date and put that into the letter of approval. As the FMLA progresses we simply mark the date on a spread sheet to indicate the total number of days used. If out for the 12 complete weeks the next day of absence in the next 365 days must be taken from the remaining days (days are 8 hours)not used in the originalmedical leave. Every new day used presents a new 365 day marker until they have used up hours, days, and weeks totaling 12 weeks or 480 hours of time available for FMLA.

    I have been wrong before, but this has worked for us, and it is easily explained when you lay it out on a spreadsheet.

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