wc - mandating use of accrued sick or vacation time
175 Posts
I have an ee on wc, they are released to light duty and can only work 4 hrs per day. Can I mandate they use their accrued sick or vacation time to cover the 4 hrs per day missed work?
Hope this helps you.
I agree with LivindonSouth. TX has the weirdest W/C laws that are EXTREMELY employee friendly. You need to talk with your W/C carrier to see what is even allowed. Some states (like GA) have temp. partial disability payments which allow an employee to return to work on a part time basis and it reduces (but doesn't eliminate) their W/C indemnity payments. If you pay them time off, it could also mess this up.
Do as much as you can to work with your employee and the W/C carrier to get them back as soon as possible and DON'T under any circumstance make them mad. You will pay in TX.
E Wart
The headache is that, depending on the law, you will need to communicate this to your W/C carrier and any adjustments to their benefit would be made. If there is an overpayment, more than likely the reimbursement would be made to the ee's sick bank, because most states will require that the ee not be penalized.