ADA and Canada

Does anyone know of an online resource for looking into how Canada handles disability issues, much like the ADA in the US?

Does anyone know if they even have something similar to the ADA in Canada?

I am looking for info on substance abuse/dependency/treatment - from an employer's standpoint.



  • 2 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • Start with this link:


    and look for the Employment Equity Act and Employment Equity Policy.
  • I have two handy sources to suggest for you.
    You can check my law firm's web site [url][/url]. We are Canada's largest law firm, with branches across the country. You will find many useful articles on the web site. Search using key words such as "human rights" and "accommodation". There is on the web site one article I wrote myself, about human rights enforcement processes in Canada. It will give you a good overview.

    In short, claims like ADA in the USA are generally dealt with through entities known as Human Rights Commissions or boards. There is a different one in every province, and one for those who operate in the federal sector. Disability, and accommodations for disability, are dealt with as one of the areas of discrimination for which these agencies have enforcement responsibilities.

    Another website you might find useful is that of the Ontario Human Rights Commission, at [url][/url]. It is Canada's largest such commission, and arguably the most highly developed. However, if your Canadian operations are in another province, you should see if that province's human rights agency has a similar website.

    Finally, if you have access to all of the M. Lee Smith newsletter, we previously edited one entitled "Canadian Employment Law for U.S. Companies. Although it is no longer being published, if you search past issues you will find a number of useful articles.

    I hope that helps.

    Brian P. Smeenk
    McCarthy Tetrault
    Law Firm
    Toronto, Canada

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