Elementary School Cafeteria

Has anyone worked with elementary school cafeteria workers who clean tables? I've got a couple of ladies experiencing shoulder and low back problems from leaning on low-to-the-ground tables (20 tables/3 time a day). The health department won't allow squegee's with long handles (similar to a window cleaner at a gas pump) because the sponges harbor bacteria. The benches fold up onto the table prior to folding the table, so they can't be washed after they are folded. Any suggestions will be appreciated.


  • 2 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • I can't think of an ergonomic solution to this. You might tell them to slow down and not try to clean all 20 tables off in 16 seconds. That's probably what they are trying to do. Obviously resting the palm of one hand (on a cloth) on the table and sweeping the table with the rag in the other hand is safer than bending at the waist and reaching all the way across the table with no support. Maybe you need to demonstrate. I don't think the back problems are caused by this level of routine work. A secondary thought is that you might hire 'little people' for this task. I'm serious about that. Your local vocational rehab agency or one of the groups that outplaces handicapped clients could assist with those referrals. They could also work in the kitchen and replace the moaners.
  • What about sitting on the bench while they wipe the table. They would still have to lean a little, but not much.
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