Excess Body Parts

Is anyone following the comic strip where the guy has decided that in order to miss work, he is going to go through a series of operations to have unneeded body parts removed. He opines that his employer will have to let him off for these surgeries(FMLA I assume) and he's having things removed. He returned today saying he had just had his coccyx removed since he concluded he didn't need it. It's funnier in the paper, obviously, than I have portrayed here. Look for it.
Today picks up with a coworker asking, "Where were you last week". The employee says, "I had my coccyx removed. I'm having all of my unnecessary body parts removed so I can get time off from work." So the co-worker with the pointy tie asks, "How about the part of your brain that makes you care about others?" The answer, "It's on my list after tonsils".
And..........so goes the FMLA drama. Catch Dilbert.