Abuse of FMLA

We have an employee (exempt) who has had performance problems for years. It's been addressed, and she has been closed to termination. She is currently on intermittent FMLA for diabetes and migraine headaches. Her doctor completed all the paperwork. The problem is this. The program that this ee works in requires them to meet a 1000 per hour productivity limit. Since she has periods that she does not work, she never meets this. 99% of the other ee in the program do, but they are not on FMLA either. I feel that ee think that FMLA prevents them from being fired, even if their performance is not the greatest. Correct me if I'm wrong. Doesn't FMLA protect the ee in the sense that we cannot fire them because they took off for FMLA, but it does not state an employee does not have to meet productivity, despite FMLA. Can we ask her to work more time to make up for the FMLA days or hours she takes. Are we just to expect that this ee will not ever meet the 1000 hr. expectation because of FMLA? Sometimes don't you want to pull your hair out with some of these ee.
Do you expect ee's on vacation for a week to either make up the time or meet the productivity before they go on vacation?
You may just have to wait this one out...the 12 weeks will expire and you can go from there...
Check the FMLA regulations---can she be transferred to another position? Is she a key employee?
I would read through the regulations and follow them to the letter.
Finally, 'retaliation' against an employee for their having taken FMLA is a violation of the act itself, but the other things I've mentioned above are not violations.