Nervous Breakdown coming up

I have an employee who's husband left her, she is manic depressant and I believe she is no longer taking the meds for it. Her behavior is erratic verging on hysteria at times. She has exhausted her PTO and I would like to see her on FMLA rather than comp time as upper management has suggested. Opinions please!!
Just my opinion.
Then think of the discrimination claims the first time you don't let someone who is in a protected class, have the same benefit.
But if she doesn't think anything is wrong, why would she need to take time off whenever she wanted?
Finally, this sexual harassment thing is also a problem. How would you treat the situation if it was a male at work pursueing one of the female staff at home? You mentioned it has been witnessed on the production floor as well, is there a chain of command situation where she could be perceived as pressuring the male for sex and having adverse work impacts? You could end up writing some large checks for lawyers and settlements.
The suggestions to confront this EE with the behaviors that are causing problems is the right approach, in my opinion. Document the specific circumstances instead of just feelings and attitudes. This will cover your rear-end should she continue to fight the situation and allow you to progress toward solving her problem one way or the other.
I'd sit the employee down and advise her of what you absolutely know to be facts about the situation and how she is conducting herself at work. I wouldn't throw out any "diagoses" such as manic depressive, etc.
Tell her that her behavior is not acceptable and you are advising that she get help of some description. If she refuses, let her know in no uncertain terms that she will be terminated the next time you hear of her stalking an employee or any other unacceptable behavior. I would, in no way, allow her to leave whenever she felt like it. As one of the other posters put it, you will have a host of dysfunctional people leaving work when something doesn't go to suit them or they feel "stressed".