Leave for Birth/Sick Leave

Our company has sick leave that can be accrued up to 480 hours. This time is to be used during FMLA for serious illnesses of the employee up to the 12 weeks we allowed to be accrued. Our company also has an unwritten policy that if someone has a baby, they can only use 6 weeks of their sick leave and have to use vacation or unpaid leave for the other 6 weeks, even if they have more than 6 weeks of sick leave accrued. The reasoning they gave me for this is that a mother is no longer "sick" after 6 weeks and usually has a doctor's note stating they can go back to work. They also said that the employer can determine what time (paid/unpaid) is used during FMLA. I'm uncomfortable with this because we are treating pregnancy different that other illnesses/FMLA. Am I right to be concerned or because a doctor releases them can we stop their sick leave and make them use vacation while they are still on FMLA?
#1 thing a consultant shouldn't say: "I could tell you the answer right now, but we're committed to a three month project..." #-o
The prior post is right about one thing; "Consistency is the key", and you cannot be consistent when you treat men with temporary disabilities different from women with temporary disabilities.
Note: The preceeding is my personal opinion and has no value beyond that. Although it may be 'sorta offensive' or 'indeed offensive' to someone out there, it is offered without regard to that possibility. Should you find yourself alarmed by my post, you may privately mail me to protest or you may alert the principal's office. x:-)
My take on the original question - FMLA doesn't just apply to disability, but also to the "bonding" time for both mothers and fathers after the birth or adoption of a baby. Once the mother is no longer disabled due to the birth, then the other side of FMLA kicks in and disability benefits go away.
The only problem I can see would be the arbitrary six week time frame - some mothers are no longer disabled by four or five weeks after delivery, and in cases with complications, it may take eight or ten weeks to recover. I'd go by whatever the doctor says regarding the length of the disability, then any time beyond that would be vacation, personal leave, or whatever but still under FMLA.