Follow-up visits?

If an employee is released back to full duty - no restrictions - by the treating physician, would the follow up doctor appointment due to this condition be covered by FMLA as well? (The time out was covered by FML prior to the release back to work).


  • 2 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • Yes, all doctor's appointments, even after release are covered as the employee has a serious medical condition and has sought treatment on two or more occasions. Just make sure you tell the employee to try to schedule appointments around their work schedule if possible.
  • I agree that the follow up visits should be considered as FMLA. We classify them as intermittent FMLA if they will be on going. And require updated statements. Under intermittent they still have to schedule their appointmesnt so that it does not disrupt the work area and give you appropriate notice.
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