When someone has used up their FMLA days

I have an employee who was off work with a complicated pregnancy and began her FMLA leave in May, 2002 and exhausted her 12 weeks. Last week her husband had an emergency appendectomy, spent a few days in the hospital. She was off work the day of his surgery and when she came in to talk to me about this, I offered her FMLA paperwork. It wasn't until after she left and I was discussing this with my assistant that I realized she did not have any FMLA days to use. We use the 12 month period rolling back. Since her husband's appendectomy, they've also discovered that he has a mass on his kidney and will be having that kidney removed within the next week or so. My question is, once I've offered FMLA do I still have to give it to her even though she has no time left? And if I do, does it have to include time she may be taking off for the second surgery?
good luck!
>to continue on FMLA even though she has used up her 12 weeks?
It appears to me that you could give additional leave, but it would not b FMLA leave and would not have government regulated protections in it. As to continuing their health ins., this would need to be decided by Mgt. (could be some BIG costs because if you do it for this couple, you must do it for others) and then you would need to negotiate with your carrier as to whether they would "honor" any claims.