Dr. writes "None Apply" on FMLA Medical Certification Form

I have an employee who has been having migraine headaches. (I should also mention that this employee also has a history of poor attendance and tends to make a lot of excuses for why she needs to leave early or why she couldn't come in to work, etc. :~~ She has been written up for this in the past and is walking a thin line.) I spoke with her about FMLA and asked for the Dr. certification form to be completed and returned to me. She returned it to me a week after the 15 days I gave her and it was incomplete (she did not have any absences related to migraines in that time). I also could not read the doctor's handwriting, what little of it there was. The doctor failed to complete the top portion where they are supposed to indicate the type of "serious health condition" the employee has for FMLA purposes. Also, the only portion that had information other than "N/A", "unknown", or "?", was "yes" to the employee needing to take work intermittently or on less than a full schedule...
I asked her to to get clarification and to return the form to me complete by the end of the week. I got the form the following Monday and there was no clarification on anything and he wrote in for the type of "serious health condition" for FMLA "None Apply".
My question is, can I deny FMLA to the employee because the doctor has basically stated that the condition doesn't fit into the definition of a "serious health condition" for FMLA purposes? If so, if the employee submits the form again with a different box checked, would I have to accept that or would the initial form take precedence?
I've never had this happen before and I want to be careful because this employee is walking a thin line. Thanks for your advice! :-?
I asked her to to get clarification and to return the form to me complete by the end of the week. I got the form the following Monday and there was no clarification on anything and he wrote in for the type of "serious health condition" for FMLA "None Apply".
My question is, can I deny FMLA to the employee because the doctor has basically stated that the condition doesn't fit into the definition of a "serious health condition" for FMLA purposes? If so, if the employee submits the form again with a different box checked, would I have to accept that or would the initial form take precedence?
I've never had this happen before and I want to be careful because this employee is walking a thin line. Thanks for your advice! :-?
I would proceed with the attendance issues and address them as you would anyone else with attendance problems.
How long has she worked for your company?
I will be meeting with her and informing her (in writing, too) that FMLA is denied because according to the doctor, it doesn't qualify as a serious health condition as defined by the FMLA.
Thanks for your help everyone. It is nice to get confirmation on your thoughts before you move forward.
I'm thinking that he is completing the form the way he is because he does not feel that her condition qualifies. If you have questions you CAN contact the clinic and explain to the quality coordinator (or someone in patient relations) and explain the problem and have them do the rest of the legwork.
Just a thought.