Possible FMLA changes

I was listening to Public Radio early this morning, and I heard some discussion about this being the 10th anniversary of the FMLA.
In honor of this anniversary, some members of congress (including the original author) are proposing to change the law.
I don't remember everything that was discussed (it was really early) but two that I recall are: making at least part of the leave paid, and making FML available to more people by requiring employers with 25 or more employees to comply.
As if we didn't already have enough to do.
In honor of this anniversary, some members of congress (including the original author) are proposing to change the law.
I don't remember everything that was discussed (it was really early) but two that I recall are: making at least part of the leave paid, and making FML available to more people by requiring employers with 25 or more employees to comply.
As if we didn't already have enough to do.
I had heard about the 25 employee change in the FMLA, but not partially paying for it. I think some states already offer this and they foot the bill through taxes.
One item that will be looked at on the FMLA (as I understand it) is what constitutes a "serious health condition." Apparently business is lobbying for Congress to look at tightening up this part of the law due to rampant abuse.
It will be interesting to see what they come up with.