FMLA accrued paid vs unpaid time

When a person requests FMLA for maternity leave, she usually asks that we pay her any accrued vacation, sick/personal time until it runs out. We track the FMLA and the paid time concurrently.
However, if there is an unplanned serious health condition we don't always run the paid and unpaid time concurrently. Sometimes, we don't start counting the FMLA time until after all the paid time has been exhausted, especially if the person has not requested FMLA. Are we allowed to do both scenarios, or must we be exactly consistent between planned and unplanned leaves? kmd AZ
However, if there is an unplanned serious health condition we don't always run the paid and unpaid time concurrently. Sometimes, we don't start counting the FMLA time until after all the paid time has been exhausted, especially if the person has not requested FMLA. Are we allowed to do both scenarios, or must we be exactly consistent between planned and unplanned leaves? kmd AZ
Margaret Morford