returning to work with doctors orders

I have returned to work after three weeks of FMLA. I was on disability for a nervous breakdown that should of been forseen months prior. The day I crashed I again was over an hour late for work and in which was considered a "no call/no show" all though I called and showed. The day I returned I had been told that I couldn't work split shgifts as my doctor recommended. I went higher up to a dept. manager in which was told to get the hours she orders for me to work. I did this . The doctor gave instructions for me to only work mon- fri 8am 12 noon then 4pm - 8pm mon thru friday. When scheduling myself my supervisor still made me schedule 16hours of weekend hours in which start at 6am. I have now my last no call no show because i was late on saturday . I called at 7:30am schdl. at 6am. I know I would of been fired tomorrow but chose not to wait and left. I want my rights if any. This is a corporation in whuch I made alot of money for and on my return I was given papers to sign I>J>I>J in which shall have kept me from leaving my level and being promoted. I cried when I was to sign another form that would keep me with my supervisor . Help


  • 2 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • You may need to find a plaintiff's attorney who specializes in employment law in you state who you can talk to face to face about the situation. That attorney could provide you guidance about the types of issues you should discuss with your employer (for example, more FMLA leave or a reasonable accommodation under the ADA).

    Try calling your local bar association to see if they can give you a referral.

    Good Luck.
  • Finding an attorney is not the only solution to your inquiry. You can contact your local DOL representative who will assist you in understanding your rights under both FMLA and the ADA.

    If you company had a work rule regarding notice of absence or lates within a specified timeframe of your scheduled shift, and you failed to give the notice, then this may not be covered as excused FMLA because it is a work rule. You can be excused for an FMLA qualifying event and still receive a disciplinary warning for a violation of a work rule. Obtain a copy of the Federal Reg. Part 825 and read through the discussion areas surrounding FMLA protection.
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