Cosmetic surgery and FMLA

We have an employee who is having some cosmetic surgury, and I know it is not covered under FMLA unless complications arise. My question is...the doctor does not want this employee to work for more than 3 days to recoup. Since FMLA does cover an employee off from work for more than 3 days and under a doctor's care, would this be FMLA even though it is a cosmetic procedure.
I reviewed that section of the regs and it says (c) Conditions for which cosmetic treatments are administered (such as most treatments for acne or plastic surgery) are not "serious health conditions" unless inpatient hospital care is required or unless complications develop. To me, that doesn't mean cosmetic treatments are not covered under FMLA. It means they are not covered if they don't require inpatient hospital care, etc. Do you disagree?
What do you think about elective surgery (as opposed to cosmetic?)