FMLA after dismissal
2 Posts
Looking for caselaw or helpful input from other HR/legal professionals regarding cases in which ee attempted to assert FMLA rights after being notified of dismissal. Thank you.
One case is Patterson v. Alltell Info. Services, 919 F Supp 500 (D. Me. 1996)
Also Beno v. United Tele. Co., 1 F.Supp.2d 867 (Md. Fla. 1997).
There are several others, but the key is: how strong is your proof that the decision was made (any documents, witnesses to when she was told). I could see the employee claiming that she was never told and suing for an FMLA violation.
I would run your specific facts and evidence before a lawyer to make sure you feel comfortable with handling her situation.
Good Luck