EEO Employee Re-surveying

I'm finding conflicting information about whether or not we are required to re-survey all our employees for 2008 with the new ethnicity categories. The EEOC site itself seems to indicate it is still optional. Does anyone know the final word on this?


  • 6 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • My question is, why would you want to re-survey your employees? You already have the information. The new categories were in effect for the EEO-1report done in 2007. So for this year you should use the same reporting codes you used for last year's report.

    For any new employees you may ask them to self-identify upon their hiring.

    Maybe I don't understand your question.
  • As I understand it, the EEOC does not REQUIRE any re-surveying to be done, at least not at this point. I think many people did it last year when the new categories went into effect, but as far as I know it's always been optional. I resurveyed all our employees last year to make sure they were correctly identified according to the new categories, and since then we've kept up with it by asking all new employees to self-identify.
  • Thanks for your response. That's been my understanding, but I keep getting invites to audioconferences or web-ex about how to comply with the 2008 requirements to re-survey all pre-2007 employees.
  • >Thanks for your response. That's been my understanding, but I keep getting
    >invites to audioconferences or web-ex about how to comply with the 2008
    >requirements to re-survey all pre-2007 employees.

    My take on that would be that there are enterprising businesses out there who want to charge you money to participate in an audioconference or webinar about "requirements" that don't necessarily exist.

    I saved a copy of the FAQ off the EEOC website in 2007 about the changes. They said at that time "The EEOC will not require employers to resurvey current employees for the September 30, 2007 EEO-1 report". If you go to the website now (see link below), the answer to the same question has been changed to read: "The EEOC has no plans to require employers to resurvey current employees."


  • My understanding is that there is some information out there that the EEO-1 report for 2008 has a requirement that employers MUST re-survey all employees who have not been asked to self-identify already (meaning those employed prior to the new regs of 2007).

    Of course, I don't WANT to re-survey my employees, but my question is, do I HAVE to according to new regs for 2008??

    Research I've done seems inconclusive.
  • I understand their requirement to mean re-surveying your employees (prior to completing your 2007 EEO-1 Report) to ensure they are in the proper NEW EEO categories (2006 categories vs. 2007 categories). I don't think they mean re-surveying your current employees whom you have already placed in the proper categories.

    Nothing would change from 2007 to 2008 since you should already have placed them in the proper categories to have completed your 2007 EEO-1 Report.

    This is the second year of reporting using the new categories.
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