Sexual Harrassment Training Videos

Can anyone tell me anything about the Sexual Harrassment Training Video? Is it worth the money? Does anyone recommend one and not another? We normally have our lawyer come out and do live training but this of course is not cost effective and I'm looking for alternative ways.
Any help is appreciated!
Any help is appreciated!
It features very realistic situations without going over the top. It doesn't preach that you shouldn't socialize at all, or that any joking with co-workers is automatically bad, so it maintains a level of realistic expectations that a lot of videos can't match. The other thing I really like about it is that the sexual harassment aspect is actually protrayed as part of a larger issue - respect for your co-workers. That includes avoiding gossip, maintaining common courtesy, etc. It also comes with handouts and small user guides, but the video stands well alone.
It's by MPC Films.
Go to [url][/url]
Or e-mail my rep at media partners: [email][/email] She is awesome. They will generally let you preview online most of their products.
I haven't personally seen the HR HERO harrassment training video but I have always heard good things about their products.
The video sounds very interesting and I would like to try it out.
Thanks. Marina
We too have our attorney conduct the training. I had selected the video prior to the training, and she thought it was one of the better ones. What I liked was it had modern scenarios and questions. Of course, there is always a "soap opera feel" on these types of videos, but after viewing several others, this one did not put me (or the employees) to sleep. The employees seemed to like it and the training sessions spurred several debates re: the circumstances and perception of the situations.
Our main focus was to get employees to be aware, to think about the issue and to feel free to discuss it if they had questions.
This is actually the same company Paul is talking about. The "MP" in MPC stands for Media Partners.
Just wanted to let you know that M. Lee Smith offers "Stop Sexual Harassment: Interactive Training for Supervisors," which is a complete training package on DVD, VHS, and CD-ROM. Here's a link [url][/url]