>Do any of you have a no-smoking policy that you would be willing to email me. >Email is [email]scallender@scheart.com[/email]. Thanks.
This has become a huge issue in our rather small office because two of the individuals who smoke also have significant health issues that keep them out of work a lot - and smoking is implicated in these health issues.
Smoking has been banned from inside the office for some time, but employees were permitted to smoke outside on the back porch. This was recently amended as this location was hazardous. Other non-smoking employees had to walk through the smoke and employees exiting the building were liable to hit someone with the door as they went out. Now employees are permitted to smoke in the parking lot. We had installed an ashcan for the porch which they still have access to so butts have not been a problem. Beginning January 1, all employees must smoke off premise or in their cars....
The smoking employees have been agreeable to these changes as they were made gradually. These employees are always trying to quit anyway....
We don't have a "written policy". We inform all new hires that there is no smoking in any of our facilities and if you smoke you must go outside to do so. This has not been a problem for us.
I'm sure you have already researched it, but just in case you haven't some states have laws that protect people from being discriminated against because of legal activity. NC has such a law. If PA does, you might be setting yourself up.
Washington took care of the employers having to have a smoking policy. No one is allowed to smoke in any building public or private (except residences) and no one can smoke within 25 feet of any door that enters or exits a building or an opening like a window.
We had a local bar that took offense to that law and measured 25 feet from their front entrance and placed a tent for their patrons to smoke in. It was right in the middle of the street. The cars were backed up for blocks and the police had to come and have them take the tent down.
>Email is [email]scallender@scheart.com[/email]. Thanks.
This has become a huge issue in our rather small office because two of the individuals who smoke also have significant health issues that keep them out of work a lot - and smoking is implicated in these health issues.
Smoking has been banned from inside the office for some time, but employees were permitted to smoke outside on the back porch. This was recently amended as this location was hazardous. Other non-smoking employees had to walk through the smoke and employees exiting the building were liable to hit someone with the door as they went out. Now employees are permitted to smoke in the parking lot. We had installed an ashcan for the porch which they still have access to so butts have not been a problem. Beginning January 1, all employees must smoke off premise or in their cars....
The smoking employees have been agreeable to these changes as they were made gradually. These employees are always trying to quit anyway....
In addition, we have not hired any new smokers.
We had a local bar that took offense to that law and measured 25 feet from their front entrance and placed a tent for their patrons to smoke in. It was right in the middle of the street. The cars were backed up for blocks and the police had to come and have them take the tent down.