Excessive Talker

I have a manager who is a good employee. So good, in fact, that he has been given a promotion where he will have additional employees and additional responsibilties. Some of his new duties include corresponding with customers via e-mail and phone. The problem is that this Manager talks excessively!! Any conversation is at least 20 minutes, even if you are asking for a one word answer. He is very personable and relates well to the employees but other managers get frustrated when trying to work with him. He also has some issues with e-mail, where his correspondence is jumbled, and grammer is less than desirable. This is a valued employee and someone we want to develop. I am wondering what is the best way to approach his issues. He has good management skills, but needs to work on communicating professionally.
Any Thoughts?
Any Thoughts?
Its not that the manager is TOO talkative. Its more that he is talkative at the wrong times. Being talkative isn't a bad thing and can be a very good thing. The key is knowing when its appropriate to "shoot the breeze" and when a one or two word answer is sufficient.
He will need prolonged coaching by someone he can trust who can pull alongside him and say "You are doing it again!" This habit has probably developed over years and years. It wont change overnight and it won't change at all unless he is convinced of the benefits of talking less.
As for e-mail, I would be direct with him. Tell him that his e-mails are not satisfactory and why. Have him cc you everytime he sends an e-mail out to a customer and give him feedback until he has a handle on it.
Just make sure when you e-mail the feedback you don't accidentally send it to the customer as well.
So how did you end up handling this employee?
The employee was very receptive, and seemed to accept the criticism positively. So far, so good. I am in the process of trying to find some literature on proper e-mail etiquette. This new manager has many new responsibilities, so I am trying not to overwhelm him.
Thanks for the help!