March 10 Employee Appreciation Day
18 Posts
Does anyone have any unique, reasonable ideas for employee appreciation day?
2. Provide a self-care day (employer brings in a massage therapist for 15 minute sessions to employees. Usually if you get someone who is attending massage therapy school, they need to do a certain number of hours "free" so it may cost nothing). Provide refreshments; music, usually take 2-3 hours for appreciation
The administrators buy, prepare, serve, and clean up a BBQ lunch with all the trimmings for our entire staff of about 400. Everybody loves it.
Had a tailgate party for the superbowl few weeks ago.
One year we had a speaker come out and talk about "colors" and personality types. It was informative and fun.
Last year we rented the movie "Miracle." My boss and I bought some round cardboard popcorn containers (like you get at the movies) at the video rental store and added popcorn, candy (like you get at the movies), a cola, and a movie from Walmart's $5.50 bin. We got some bags of popcorn from Topsy's and various kinds of soda and set them out for the employees. The gifts were a hit, and so was the movie. We bought everything on sale, so it was very inexpensive.
This year we are having a speaker again. We are still debating the subject, but we are leaning towards "Cranial Aerobics."
What ever you do, just make sure it is fun and the employees will know you appreciate them.
Good luck!
It is basically a way to stretch the way you think about things in a fun way.
We are considering a couple of other ideas too. We will probably do this up in April, so we need to make a decision and get things set up.