How many years do you have to keep the I-9 files? Is it 7 years like the other personnel files? Having a separate file for I-9's each month is causing serious space issues!
You only need to keep the 1-9's for 3 years. I keep mine in a large 3-ring binder, alphebetically by year. We have just over 100 emplopyees so I can fit it all in one binder. I have a tab for current employees, 2006 termed employees, 2005 termed employees, etc. This method also works great if your I-9's are ever audited.
We have been instructed to keep I-9s for all active employees hired after November 6, 1986. For terminated employees its 3 years after date of hire or 1 year after date of termination whichever is longer. I too keep them in binders. I have been through 2 audits and had no issues.
The fist paragraph on the right side of the instruction talks about copying and retention.
FRANKLIN: On the 1st page of the I-9 form in the paragraph titled Photocopying and Retaining Form I-9. The last sentence reads "Employers must retain completed I-9s for three (3) years after the date of hire or (1) year after the date employment ends, whichever is later. This same instruction is located on Page 2 of Handbook for Employers (M274).
If you will send me an e-mail contact message, I will give you some more information on how to get your own copy of the I-9 "Handbook for Employers" for free.
I run on average a current payroll of 425 employees and by year's end will usually issue between 750 - 800 w'2s. As a result, I had to find a easy way to store i-9s! I have two 3" binders that I keep the current employees filed alphabetically. I then have a folder for each applicable month/year that I am retaining on terminated employees. As part of my payroll-end process I pull the terminated emp i9's and file them in the applicable folder. When I start a new month, ie February 2009, I will pull the folder for February 2006 and shred the information. The file folders are labeled for the month in which the forms expire, either the 1-year or the 3-year deadline as applicable. Doesn't take a lot of room or upkeep.
The fist paragraph on the right side of the instruction talks about copying and retention.
If you will send me an e-mail contact message, I will give you some more information on how to get your own copy of the I-9 "Handbook for Employers" for free.