Airplane policy

Our CEO purchased a plane just before Christmas. We believe we will need some policies around its usage for business travel by our employees and even what our expectations are.
Do any of you have corporate planes, and if so, can you share a written policy concerning the aircraft?


  • 7 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • I once worked for a company that owned a corporate jet and the basic restrictions were that if ee travel was more economical by common carrier (for example, only one or two ee's traveling to the same location), that was the preferred option. Corporate plane was used for either emergency response teams (to get to the site quickly) or if a large # of ee's were traveling to the same location/area.

    We also had a rule that corporate officers could not all travel on the plane (ours or a commercial flight) at the same time.
  • [font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON 01-03-06 AT 07:56PM (CST)[/font][br][br]I'm not sure if the CEO purchased it personally or if the company purchased it. If it was personal, you can reimburse at $1.07 per mile, much like mileage for a car.


    I really doubt that's what you're asking, this was just an opportunity to share some otherwise useless information. :>)
  • For starters, you may want to begin with the basics such as usage, etc. You may also want to get into specifics like mile-high club try-outs, drunk girls in the cabin being date-raped by the owners and last but not least, no one flies the plane until they've gone through the proper 3-hour classroom and 1 hour practical course.
  • [font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON 01-06-06 AT 07:25AM (CST)[/font][br][br]I also don't know whether you mean the employeeh imself owns the plane or that the corp. owns it? You may want to find out.
    One thing that really hits me is that you had better look at your insurance policies. Most don't cover flying your own plane.
    E Wart

    Maybe what I should have said is most don't cover private plans. You should still check to see how your policies (life, disability and group medical) are worded to make sure you/he is safe.
  • Our CEO privately owns the plane, not owned by our corporation. He also has a full-time licensed pilot. The CEO does not fly the plane, the pilot does. And, the pilot has about 25 years of flight time as a commercial pilot.

    Hope this helps clear that aspect up.
  • [font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON 01-06-06 AT 11:14AM (CST)[/font][br][br]In my opinion this is no different than saying the CEO bought a new car. It is private not corporate, no policy needed. Now, if you talk real real nice maybe he will loan his plane (with pilot) to you on weekends for trips to Vegas or other exotic locations. If he has plans to lease it to the corporation then yes you should have policies the first one being "No employee (CEO included) will sell products or services to the company".

  • Hey! If you treat it like a car, then my mileage reimbursement information isn't so useless! :>)
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