Pre-Employment Assessments

We are researching pre-employment assessment tools for General Manager/VP level final candidates. Have you used a company/assessment tool(s) that you've liked?
Thanks for your input!


  • 2 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • Hi Max,

    Welcome to the forum. We use a test that guages tendencies toward certain activites and professional aspects. God, I hope you understand what I just said, because I don't know if I do. Anyway, we contract it out and it's administered on line.

    What ever you do, stay away from any evaluations that get into psychological testing because those can be interpreted as mental health tests and, therefore, medical inquiries. If you require this test before the job offer is made, you can run afoul of the ADA.
  • Thanks for your response. I am interested in what you use. Would you be willing to share who you contract it out to and and what the assessment is called? Thank you.
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