
I am being asked to select an area within my department to benchmark. I would like to monitor something over which I have more control than the typical turnover rates. I am looking at the percentage of employees who remain through the probationary period, through the first year, the second year, etc. I am also looking at the percentage of employees voluntarily terminated and involuntarily terminated for those same time periods. I am a service organization in Oregon. Does anyone else monitor or want to monitor this information and would you be willing to exchange some information for comparative purposes?

Thank you!


  • 5 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • SADEEBLUE: Welcome to the forum. We are always glad to see new names with needs for information.

    To monitior "turnover" as a factor controlled by HR is a major turn off for me. I have no control over turnover and I will never accept the situation where it was being tagged to the HR.

    We are monitoring turnover and publishing a weekly information data for the senior leadership, but the only thing I am able to control is the timely submission of turnover information weekly. The percentages are changing and growing. I also report the latest lost time report and accident/injury with loss time. Again the only thing I can control is the specific data.

    I also do a report for the production department that breaks down the cost of "piglets" shipped weekly verses the cost of labor per hour and the cost of each piglet shipped verses the total cost of the operation. But again I do not control one item in the arena.

    The one thing I control is the timeliness of payroll and accuracy of the information. I also control the arena of recruiting and placement. From the time that I am told to start recruiting and placement of the individual into the position, I have reasonable control over the entire process. If you are responsibilities for recruiting and placement. I would recommend you agree to that bench mark. To measure you would have to go back and test your abilities with last years campaigns and then agree to either cut the placement time or the cost effectiveness. Be careful of the cost effectiveness because you may not be able to control the salary or wage rates offered.

    Good luck keep us posted if you come up with a good benchmark of HR "World of Work"!

  • Thank you for the information. I very much appreciate your response.

    During my first full year in this position, I was able to obtain my boss' agreement to not evaluate me on the time to fill a position. There are too many criteria beyond my control such as how long it takes for a manager to respond to resumes I have sent him/her, the amount of time it takes for the candidate to give notice and start, going through the entire process and the candidate turns you down due to a counter offer, the economy, the uniqueness of the position's qualifications, etc.

    I do feel I have better control on the quality of a candidate. Yes, there will always be that candidate that slipped through and just should not have been hired and there will be those who quit (like the one who worked for us for three days and decided to return to another state), but I have much more control over the retention rate of new hires rather than turnover in general. This is also why I have further delineated the information into voluntary and involuntary terminations.

    So, if you are interested in exchanging that type of information, let me know. And thank you again for responding! Good luck to you!
  • Hi, SadeeBlue! I don't have a response to your question, but wanted to welcome you to the forum.

  • Thank you to everyone who has sent me such a warm welcome!
  • Welcome to the Forum, see the Hi All thread under hr-de-hr and follow the directions.
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