
If an employer has an established payroll system in place, such as employees handwriting timeslips, can the employer single out an employee who is hourly and fills out a timesheet, to use a date/time stamp in the office to verify what the employee has written on his/her timesheet? There is no timeclock set in place. Employees are expected to write in timesheets on a weekly basis.


  • 4 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • small school, az: Welcome to the forum. Time keeping and official record keeping is required by law. The law does not dictate how to get clear good records, it just simply must be done. If I need special markers for an employee that did not read or write well, then the use of a time stamp would be a solution. Yes, even for just one person. I would be concerned for my actions and potential discrimination or special harassment of an individual, but if he/she is the only persons messing up my record keeping system, you can bet the stamps would be required for just one person. Good records is the issue here!

  • I agree that good records is the issue. However, an employee does have strong cause for discrimination or harassment if he/she is the only one singled out out of an office of 20 individuals.
  • Not really. If you feel you have a sound business reason for the decision, go for it. We can't let the negative reflex of discrimination charges rule our lives and actions. Although that would be a consideration to entertain (briefly), visit it, get comfortable about it and let your business reasoning rule. Then make note of the reason for the action, implement it and move forward.
  • It seems you are concerned that singling this ee out would be discriminatory. Why do you want to have this ee use a time clock? Can you not read the ee's writing? Do you believe the ee is not accurately recording hours worked? Maybe knowing the exact reason will help us to determine if your actions are a "business need."

    In my opinion, if you decide to do this, it should not be a surprise to the ee. Have you spoken to the ee about your concerns? Is this something that falls under progressive discipline? What do you hope to accomplish by having the ee punch a clock?
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