
I am not sure this is the right forum but if it is not, I am sure I will hear it. We are a small company - under 9 'ees - roasting coffee for restaurants in and around Dallas. During the week, we are pretty busy and I use Sat. to catch up. Our production dept. swap Sat.'s to get caught up. There is one 'ee that is starting to not come in because of one "reason" or excuse after another. I know he drinks - more on the weekend - but not on the job.
The quandry is, Sat. is not "officially" a requirement, execpt to the extent that if there is work to be done, someone should be in to do it. What are your thoughts about discipline?


  • 6 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • Set the standards, publish them, make sure they are clear, gain understanding, have employees buy in, get commitment, enforce the policy, then discipline for infractions. Don't expect that employees will have the same level of commitment to unpublished and unclear standards as you do.

    **When we do for others what they should do for themselves, we disempower them.**
  • Referring to Don D's post: that's about the extent of it. You may not have a 'handbook' for your employees. I'll suppose you don't since you are a small firm. A memo to all employees should do it. Then your employee has a choice of complying or eventual discharge. Good luck with it.
  • Post above are right on. Saturdays and Sundays can be ligit work days like all the rest. Discipline should be constant one works when one is scheduled regardless of their interest. The "working world" is not a democratic society, sometimes there is a choice, but when the company is willing to pay a person to do work that is available, the company has every right to put someone to work. Now, where possible, be fair and consistent with the schedule or you could be introuble for being heavy handed with one individual or another. We even paid 2 1/2 times for the "Christmas Holiday" worked by any labor employee. Exempt employees then complained, so the production manager gave them each another scheduled day off.

    Good luck!

  • Pork: Tell me how that works. Employees complain and get a day off? Hmmm.

  • "Due to production demands, some Saturdays may be required work days. The same attendance policy will apply to employees required to work on Saturdays. This policy will go in to effect on XXX date. If you have scheduling conflicts please discuss them with your supervisor immediately."

    Or something like that. If you have an attendance policy in place, the employee will run out of time off. If you don't have an attendance policy the employee will continue to be absent on Saturdays.

    When you hire new employees, let them know that they will have to work occasional Saturdays and if they are not available to work on Saturdays, it will count against their attendance.

  • Thank you all for your input. We do have a company policy and it WILL contain something dealing with Saturday working.
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