Body Odor

We have a gentleman that just returned from Military leave last week. He has been on active duty for over 3 years. His coworkers are now complaining that his body odor is so terrible - they don't want to work by him. This is a manufacturing setting but I can't put him into a job where he works alone. Has anyone had to deal with this? I need to approach him but I know he has alot on his mind with just returning.

THanks - any input would be greatly appreciated.


  • 8 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • His supervisor should have a frank discussion with him and let him know that his body odor is offensive and that you expect him to report for work clean and odor free. If the behavior continues, start the disciplinary process. I'm curious as to why you felt the need to mention his military status. Do you think it contributed to the problem? Was he like this before his active duty? In any event, it's simply a behavior that can be changed.
  • I only mentioned the 3 year leave due to him just returning...he also went through a divorce - has kids getting into trouble all within the last few months. We did not have this problem before he left - or at least that I am aware of...just setting the entire stage.
  • [font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON 10-25-04 AT 10:32AM (CST)[/font][br][br]Whoa! Sounds like you might be dealing with more than just BO. This employee has been through alot, away from his family for 3 years, dealing with debriefing from the military duty, now divorced, problem children. That can take a pretty serious toll on a psyche. I would contact the EAP and get some input on how best to approach the matter in the most sensitive way. If he's going through depression, he needs more help than a bar of soap and some deodorant. You would only add to the problem by telling him his coworkers have complained, how humiliating!
  • Tina, use the search button. You will find a zillion stories. Know that you are not alone with this sort of problem.
  • Had an employee with horrendous BO, so bad that I had to speak to him outside of the plant. Co workers had complained (unionized), but were silent when he filed a grievance for disparite treatment. He also filed with MCAD, which went no where. I agree with DCHR - he is having a multitude of problems. EAP is a wonderful resource.
  • Remember, my friends, not all of us are so fortunate as to HAVE EAPS
  • Luckily we do have an EAP......I will use that
  • Tina, from what you added, it certainly sounds like the BO is a symptom of a much larger problem. Even if you do not have an EAP, you can still start a dialogue with him, and try to find some resources for him to tap into. I would start with the VA. As an aside, my best friend came back from Iraq last April and has been to two funerals of his former soldiers, both suicides. My guess is that as the war continues to drag on more and more of us in HR will be faced with similar issues.
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