Non compete agreement

We recently made a job offer to an applicant for a driver position and he accepted, but remembers signing a non-compete agreement with his current employer, covering a 30 mile radius. I checked and the distance between our branch location he would be working and his former employer is about 24 miles. This is in Pennsylvania and I cannot find any info on whether PA even allows non-compete's or not. Has anyone ever had any experience with a former employer "signing off" on the non-compete?


  • 3 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • I've been told they are not worth the paper they are written on, especially for a driver, whose livelihood is determined by non-restricted boundaries and borders. I would suggest he should invite the other company to sue him.
  • Thank you Don, I have heard that also, and thought it very odd for a driving position.
  • That agreement could prove humorous to read based on their interpretation. What would they define as their intellectual property or trade secrets? The knowledge of the street routes within 30 miles of their facility? The driver’s knowledge of how to operate his vehicle? There certainly are business functions worthy of restrictive covenant agreements with employees, but it is difficult to imagine driving being one of them. Hire him and let them take their best shot...

    #1 thing a consultant shouldn't say: "I could tell you the answer right now, but we're committed to a three month project..." #-o
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