Supervisory Aptitude Tests

Does anyone use any type of supervisory aptitude testing where you can assess the competencies of present supervisors and/or individuals you might be considering for these positions?

There are about a million of them on the Internet and just wanted to know if any of you have used them.



  • 2 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • Wish I could help you because that is something I may be interested in as well.
  • ROCKIE: Two years ago I was asked by the production manager to provide an apptitude test for the production end of our business. Of course, in our swine world there was not anything already developed. Therefore, I called upon my wisdom and the production procedures manuals, I worked with a three person team from the production department and we came up with a PRODUCTION ASSESSMENT SURVEY, which was 50 questions from the procedures manuals for the Breeding side and 50 questions from the Farrowing side. We developed acceptable answers to the questions and administered the survey instruments to every member of the production team including the management team. Once we got all of them graded as either a correct answer or a wrong answer. The information received from this very large exercise told us many things: 1)females were more right than wrong than the men. 2)our hispanic employees understood a lot more English than we gave them credit, 3) management as a whole were of course the most knowledgeable, but a couple were either lost or uneducated and not able to read or write, 4) we identified some real misunderstood areas of concern.

    I and the production manager was plesantly surprised and we made some organizational changes and developed specific training objectives for each work site to correct this obvious shortcoming in the "how tos".

    It was a neat project and very inexpensive. We were going to re-do it this summer, but the production manager decided to go on to more important activities. The new production manager id on board, but he want be ready to do this until he gets the daily details in place the way he wants them.

    Hope this helps you make your decision to try to do it your self! The president of the company even took the survey for the breeding operation. He is a professional VET and works his own business in large animals. He was surprised at how well he did on the survey, with an 82% correct answers verses in correct answers.

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