Don't tell them I said that

I have an ee who is complaining about people talking about her. She wants me to fix this without saying she's the one complaining. Fine, I talked to the 2 individuals and basically told them to mind their own business and not be talking about other ee's and I also reminded them about our policy about this sort of thing.
I followed up with the complaining ee and told her that I took care of the problem.
If this happens again, (which it probably will, we have over 60 women ee's) can I tell her that I will have to reveal her name so that I can handle the situation on a more one on one basis? Or do I have to keep her name confidential?
I followed up with the complaining ee and told her that I took care of the problem.
If this happens again, (which it probably will, we have over 60 women ee's) can I tell her that I will have to reveal her name so that I can handle the situation on a more one on one basis? Or do I have to keep her name confidential?
Hopefully, the other ee's will mind their own business and it will cease to be an issue for you.
MY OPINION as an older soldier with better things to do in HR than to play with the children.
And yes, I did tell the ee to let the other 2 know that she doesn't appreciate them discussing her business and such.
I thought I could reveal her name, but I only want to do that as a last resort.
Thanks for your opinion.
This is probably just as important of an individual employee development point as any other deficiency, but it is one that will benefit them much more than their 8 hours at the shop.
And as others have said, you cannot promise confidentiality if it hinders your ability to do the job.
Also, I take a direct approach to these types of complaints. I tell the complainer that the first step in the "chain of communication" is one-on-one (which I will facilitate and mediate if necessary) and if they are not willing to do that then it becomes a dead issue for my office, as in my opinion it's petty and not worthy as there are more than enough other important things to deal with. I have found that gossips, once confronted, first will deny their practice, then usually will become less obnoxious about it.
>we have over 60 women ee's)
>>we have over 60 women ee's)
One of our departments has 108 employees of which 99 are female. This was a problem until we addressed it department wide, explained our policy and consequences of violations. After a few suspensions and terminations, in accordance with our progressive disciplinary action, the message was sent loud and clear and we have not had a problem.
If there was an emotion icon for knocking on wood and crossing fingers I would insert it here.