Blood Pressure Cuff
Don D
9,834 Posts
Well, we have the post about the pills being available at work. What about a Blood Pressure Cuff? The HR Assistant has for some years had in in her office and people drop in throughout the day. I've satisfied myself that she is not 'giving any accompanying advice', just helping people monitor their BP. I'm not terribly comfortable with it though.
This will show that you're still interested in their health and well-being...but want to make sure the information is accurate and not posing any liability to the company.
As long as the HR person is not giving medical advice or medical opinion it is good to have around. It is like the CUFF in the Wal-Mart store, take it read about the BP and react toward the education you just received.
Even those that should know how to do this type of procedure can make mistakes as illustrated above.