
I have been here for a little less than a year and saw something this morning that I never have seen here before. An employee opened a drawer in our cafeteria and took out a very large bottle of Tylenol and proceeded to take one. It looks as if the organization has purchased the Tylenol for its employees.
Is it okay for the organization to do that? I think that there may be some sort of restriction on that, not sure???
Any help would be great. Thanks to all in advance.
Is it okay for the organization to do that? I think that there may be some sort of restriction on that, not sure???
Any help would be great. Thanks to all in advance.
What is your concern about having these things available?
Thank you all so very much for your insight and help.
We were also concerned about the liability of providing access to medication..
>society, but I've not yet heard of Osco or
>Walgreens getting sued for selling someone
>Tylenol. I'm okay with providing OTC
WHen a person goes into a store and buys a particular medication, they are making the choice. When you provide tylenol or motrin or aspirin, you are making the choice as to what is available to them. That's the difference.
In the case you mention at your workplace with "a very large bottle of Tylenol" I would have concern with everyone dipping into one big bottle. It doesn't sound too sanitary. Plus you don't know if someone may tamper with what's in there. If if were individual sealed packets you can have some degree of confidence that it wasn't tampered with.
I am firmly in the camp that believes the benefit of having pain relievers available far outweighs the risks associated with it.
My $0.02 worth!
DJ The Balloonman
That's exactly the approach our plant took. We removed the "free" pain relievers, cough drops, etc. from the first aid kits, and installed a vending machine that dispenses individual dose packets of various over-the-counter items for 50 cents. So far, this has worked well for us.