What the Heck!

What the Heck is wrong with people!!!!!

We had to terminate a nurse who had been with us over 3 years. She was good clinically, but had become a royal pain in the patoot! We recently arranged our clinical schedules where our staff could work four ten hour days and have one day a week off. We did not guarantee any certain day off and if there were unscheduled calloffs, we might not be able to give a day off that week. All agree this was a GOOD thing!

Anyway...one week Nurse Ratchette had Wednesday off and then she called off sick Thursday and Friday of that week (just so happened we had snowy weather those two days). Then the next week, she assumed she was going to get Wednesday off. She was told - "No, we already have someone scheduled off that day, so you can't have it off". She was explicitly told she could not leave and could not pull others off their job to fill in for her. She waited until later in the afternoon and called another nurse who works disability claims to come to her area to fill in for her. She then left. Not only that - she came in late the next morning!

Of course, she was terminated the next day when she came in. Her response was like pure bafflement that we would even consider terminating her! She also called me on Monday morning and asked if I would consider this a resignation instead of a termination! Guess what my response was?

I guess the purpose of this lengthy novelette is I just can't believe that employees would think this type of behavior would be tolerated. This was not a 20 year old - it was a person old enough to know better. I think she felt just because she was a nurse and they are in short supply, we would let this go. The staff was very supportive and knew it was time for her to go.

Have any of the rest of you guys experienced this type of wacko behavior?

Whew....venting is good!


  • 5 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • It IS amazing how people act. My favorite story is was when I worked for another company the VP of Sales and Marketing would literally PEEL OUT in the parking lot EVERY DAY and proceed (to pedestrian's horror) to drive about 40-45mph through the parking lot. This is a person with 20 years experience in a professional office environment as a management level sales/marketing employee. Nice, huh?
  • That's nothing. My last company the VP Sales & Marketing (and part owner I might add), whose job was to travel around the country on a weekly basis, received his 3rd DWI while driving a company leased vehicle. After losing his license indefinitely, he wanted the company to continue leasing his vehicle and paying insurance so his wife could drive him to work. The worst part? THe other partners agreed.
  • GAH! I noticed you said it was at your "last" company. I can't imagine what ELSE was going on there. Probably a good thing you got the heck outta there!
  • People love to find the edge of the envelope and then just start pushing to see if you really mean it. I would say your nurse found the edge and when she pushed, she found herself outside - now looking for a job.

    The entitlement mentality is insidious. Everywhere you look, people think they are entitled. I agree, entitled to a weeks worth of wages for a weeks worth of work. Oh yes, and there are some rules to make it all hang together and function to provide goods and services, etc, etc, etc.

    I better stop now.
  • Don't you just love it when a pain in the a$$ employee makes your day be eliminating themselves? Just does not happen often enough.
    My $0.02 worth.
    DJ The Balloonman
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