Windows or Air Conditioning

I am HR working for a non-profit company in Fl. In our small office we have 12 girls. One of the 12 has allergies and is on medication. The temp is 70-80 outside. Most of the staff like the windows open at this time of year. The one person who has allergies complains that the pollen is affecting her condition. Oak is very high this time of year. Her doctor recommeds she not have the windows open but we do need the air. My question is if I say that the windows should be open this could cause her to have a comp case if she gets sick, right. The boss and the secretary do not like the air on they would keep it 85 in the office if they could. Any one have any ideas as to what to say to the boss and is there any rules WC or ADA that would cover this. Thanks
This is an age old problem and often a battle royal in offices where a lot of people have to work in the same environment.
By the way, using the term "girls" for women or ladies is unprofessional. Do you call the men in the office "boys"?
I would tell the boss if they want to solve the issue they can turn on the air. That way everyone is happy except the boss. (oops, you will make his secretary mad, but I'm sure she gets her way most of the time so one time will not hurt) That is the way good bosses act. They think about their employees first and themselves second. So your boss has their choice, alienate the ee with allergies and her supporters, alienate the window people or do what is right and put on the air, wear a sweater and alienate no one.
You could print this out and show it to him and that way it will not be coming from you. You sound genuinely interested in fostering a good work environment and your boss should respect that.
I bet you a case of oranges your boss is a man.