Cell Phones in workplace

We are wanting to amend our Staff Policy Manual to prohibit personal cell phones in the office during working hours. All staff have access to our office phone system and personal emergency calls, if any, are to be handled through our office phone system. There will be "zero tolerance".
Has anyone encountered this type situation, and if so, do you have a written policy?
Thanks for your suggestions.
Has anyone encountered this type situation, and if so, do you have a written policy?
Thanks for your suggestions.
Peyton Irby
Editor, Mississippi Employment Law Letter
Watkins Ludlam Winter & Stennis, P.A.
(601) 949-4810
The obvious problem is that the rest of the staff feels justified in using these phones at nearly anytime. Those of us that discipline for it or prohibit it in our own meetings, etc. are doing so with very little support. Sad situation.
We have disciplined one employee for having a cell phone on the job site.
My $0.02 worth.
DJ The Balloonman
But what if I had it on vibrate?
But what if I answered quickly to tell them I would call back?
But isn't it better that I have my own phone rather than having the receptionist answer the company phone and then page me?
Bunk! I told them that they are at work & need to be working (what they do on breaks or lunch is their own thing). I told them that the entire idea of having a cell phone at work is ridiculous and it's as if their home phone, with a very long telephone cord, has been brought from their house to work. You wouldn't have your home phone sitting in your work area, so why do you think it's any different? Any how, our policy is very simple:
Cell Phones – are not to be used during working hours – except during your normally scheduled breaks and meal periods.
No one else uses cell phones (except the president as we have our own mobile phone setup within the company).
What if my child care provider needed to reach me urgently becuase my child was injured? Or what if my husband was in a serious car wreck? This is the quickest and most effective way of reaching me.
Sometimes a business line does not do the trick...the caller gets shuffled from here to there and it's a huge ordeal just trying to track down that employee that is urgently needed.
I see the cell phone being an advantage in this situation...it eliminates having 1/2 of your personnel department search for an employee.
Just my 2 cents...
We can not let us older managers refuse to come into this century and stick our heads in the sand, the flip cell phone will be run up our other end. I swore, my wife and I would not ever get into the cell phone world. Guess what my wife has one, her father-in-law has one (he is 84), and I have one and I am paying $75.00 $ollars a month for the previlege of being safe "up my tree stand while I am deer hunting". My grand-daughter has two one for "talking" and one for "texing", she pays for neither, her older brother takes care of her. She can "tex" faster than I can type on this computer. She has several conversations on-going at the same time and never messes any transmission. The communication age is here and we best not try to go backwards against the tide or we will fail in the end!
and that is my pigs worth!
Sounds extreme, but necessary.
Ok, you don't want them using company time for social and personal issues!
If my cell phone goes off during business hours, will you fire me if I answer the phone only to find out your house is on fire and no one could get through the switch board with all the push this number and that menu only to make a wrong press and hear a calm "goodbye".
I believe strongly in our people resources, and when we reach out to them, they will respond very favorably to a company that is "cool" and in the know. You can bet the individual screwing up the cell phone previlege for the rest of the company should be individually dealt discipline and out the door when that is the appropriate course of action.
Eat more pork and all will be good!
Personally, (and yes I have cell phone), I don't understand what the big deal is about turning off a cell phone.