Workplace Harassment/Hostile Work Environment

We have been having a rash of incidents that border on creating a hostile work environment, but boil down to inappropriate workplace behavior. There is nothing in any of the incidents that are sexually related ... they are either because of race, disability, or an employee is just being mean and disrespectful. I have been investigating them as long as they claim the hostile work environment is based on a protected class, but when it is not, I have been sending those concerns to our employee relations office. What advice can you give me on how to handle these incidents regarding a hostile work environment that are not sexual in nature?


  • 8 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • Harassment is not just sexually oriented and nonsexual harassment based on other protected class status is just as illegal and poisonous as sexual harassment. It must be deal with the same way you would deal with an allegation of sexual harassment. But it sounds like you have a bigger problem here. It sounds as if your employees have received no training in appropriate workplace behavior and I think that's where you need to start. Your employees need to be hauled into a meeting where you must spell out for them what is inappropriate and the potential consequences of continuing the behavior. The G. Neil Company has a couple of great tapes I just purchased that are perfectly suited for training like this and I highly recommend them: They're called "From Sex to Religion" and there is a management version and an employee version.

    But bottom line is, you need to rein in your employees and do it NOW! Good luck.
  • Thank you for your quick reply. Yes, I agree. Training is something that needs to be done and ongoing. I have a meeting in a couple of weeks with the "powers that be" to try to convince them how important ongoing training is and what court precedence is there when employers don't train their employees. Thanks again.
  • Don't forget to point out the personal liability that can attach to harassment allegations, not just the corporate liability. That should open their eyes. Have fun.
  • There is an old expression.."I am not a bigot, I hate everyone." An employee who is mean and disrepectful to everyone is creating a hostile environment. If people quit because management does nothing about, the company loses. If people hate their job because of this, the company loses. Therefore, even if is not sexual in nature or targeting a protected class of employees, it is negatively impacting on the company. Not only do you need to train the employees, you have to train the supervisors. Finally, you to be prepared to discipline.
  • If you are mean to everyone that does not fall under the Title VII description of hostile work environment. If you are mean to a protected class it does. I have seen many court interpretations that follow that line. Doesn't mean you shouldn't do something about it though.
  • There are lots of words in hostile work environment law, but the most important states that you are liable if you knew or SHOULD HAVE known about the behavior. It also mentions frequency in that if it happens more than once, you're screwed, given the first piece of this paragraph. Clearly, it sounds like you have an issue.

    I'd do some training, communicate zero tolerance and then make an example of a non conformer by giving him/her the axe. That should set the stage for future behavior.
  • I rolled out a "Professional Conduct Policy" to all of our 1,300 employees approximately 8 months ago. Each employee was required to attend a training session and acknowledge that they understood the expectations. New employees receive the information in orientation. This has been a huge success although we have terminated a couple of long term employees (20 years+) who could not change their behaviors despite the guidance, education and progressive discipline we administered. It has also given us a written policy to use when dealing with unprofessional behavior/conduct in the workplace.
  • Elizabeth, Would you be willing to share this policy with me? My email is [email][/email]
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