Harrassment & Discrimination Training

I am performing training on the above topic in April for our leads and supervisors. I know the law. I have a policy. I don't have time to create a presentation.

Is anyone out there willing to share a presentation with me? If so, please e-mail [email]afender@cardinalcorp.com[/email]


  • 7 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • Please let me suggest that you take time out of your busy schedule to prepare a presentation. I find major satisfaction in knowing that I punched out an outline, did meaningful research, tailored information to my facility, geared a presentation toward a specific audience and built a really meaningful presentation. In addition, it's really satisfying to know that the presentation is something I'm confident about and can defend and footnote and explain should I need to during the presentation. In addition, when I build a presentation, I always put a copy in a special file that can be shared with my supervisor at review or other times to reinforce things I have done and done well. I suggest the best approach would be to set aside an hour each day for a week, a total of no more than five, and attack it as an opportunity and something you'll be proud of and your staff will buy into and benefit from.

    I have a bookcase full of those I've personally developed. I'm as proud of them as I am my watercolors. I wouldn't dream of giving one of them away. x:-)
  • I've always been a big believer in working smarter, not harder. There is a high degree of satisfaction in building your own airplane, but I wouldn't necessarily want to fly cross-country in it. I suggest you spend a couple hundred bucks and go with a commercially-produced video/PowerPoint/lecture format. That works best for me because the combination of different media keeps the employees' attention.

    I do, however, have a homegrown, down-and-dirty harassment PP presentation I could e-mail you; you might have to edit a bit - I geared it toward the hospitality industry.
  • Would you mind sharing the presentation with me and my organization. I am in the distribution industry, formally hospitality. I hate re-inventing the wheel.

    My email address is [email]m.jones@msi-na.com[/email].

  • [font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON 03-04-04 AT 05:47PM (CST)[/font][br][br]"I'm as proud of them as I am my watercolors."

    Yet another surpise from you, Pootin' Boy. I had no idea you were articially inclined, but am not surprised. (I just realized I contradicted myself. Am I surprised or not? Pleasantly surprised. x:D)

    I have absolutely no talent with watercolors but was a whiz with pencil, charcoal or ink. I'm sadly out of practice these days. I'll have to get my boys interested in drawing so we can do it together. (But no fingerpainting with grease...) x:)
  • Just sent you what we created last year.
  • I truly appreciate your willingness to share! Thank you.
  • Hi,

    I am also in the prcess of developing training sessions for the same. Would you be willing to share your results to your posting with me so I will not have to reinvent the wheel. Id really appreciate it very much so. My email address is [email]drobertson@cffhc.org[/email]

    Thank you,
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