Incentive Bonuses - Frontline Managers???

I'm looking for some ideas from you all... do any of you have some type of "incentive bonus" structure for your "front-line" Managers.. something to motivate them to really focus on productivity, reducing costs, etc. Will welcome any suggestions you have have or may have used in the past that were successful! Thanks so much.


  • 3 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • Our EVP's are eligible for "bonuses" up to half of their annual salary. In the past this has been awarded 2 times each year, for 1/2 the eligible amount. Next year it will be just once for the whole amount.

    The amount is based upon each areas acheivment of "critical success factors"...some of these are very tangible number goals and others are a bit more subjective.

    Our CEO and board, I believe, ultimately determine the amount that each EVP receives. The trend in the last few years seems to be that those not receiving a full bonus(not meeting goals), were out of work within the year.

  • Thanks for your response... I'm actually looking at something more for our "Managers".. Lab, Production, Transportation, etc. - a little lower down the ladder (than EVP's).
  • As Denise said, find the items that make them successful. Cost drivers or production factors that determine the difference between merely profitable, to wildly profitable. What are those factors for the positions you are targeting? That would be where I would focus. As to amounts, share the incremental profits in a meaningful fashion.
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