OSHA posting help needed

I have a question about posting the 300 form. We have about 10 employees that are leased from our company to other locations. They do not punch in and out here, nor do they have a builidng where they are all located. I have completed my OSHA log, and was wondering of the need to post it for these employees. They have no reported injuries, and have not been listed on the form in any way.
I do have an internet posting option that is password protected, but also know that not every employee has internet access. I was thinking of eclosing a note with paychecks that says the forms are up, we have no injuries for those locatins, great job, call me with questions. Compliance is my only concern.


  • 6 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • Think of the 300 as a 'facility' document. It relates to incidents at the particular facility without regard to who might be leased or belong to some other reporting unit. Post anything to the 300 that happens at your facility that meets 300-posting requirements.
  • So how do I inform our employees that never work here in our building? I think I am leaning towards notifying them that the log has been posted here, they can view it at any time. Or is my obligation only to post it, and leave it at that.
  • Your obligation is to post it in a place that's readily accessible to your employees. Also, make sure you post the 300-A, not the 300.
  • You're under no obligation to advise anybody that the form has been posted. It should be posted in an area where other company postings go up, such as your regular bulletin board or your HR Glass-Case posting board.
  • Sorry - this is what I meant to say x:-)

    From the DOL:

    "The form is to be displayed in a common area wherever notices to employees are usually posted. Employers must make a copy of the summary available to employees who move from worksite to worksite, such as construction workers, and employees who do not report to any fixed establishment on a regular basis."

  • MWILD31 IS CORRECT; your idea of stuffing a payroll envelope with a notice of the posting, or better yet, an actual copy of the report to be posted would satisfy your companies requirement to pass the history of accidents for your company and your facilities on to the employee.

    The new requirement for posting is from Feb 1 to April 30, 2004. Hope all this helps!

    Ours was hand delivered with instructions to all 15 remote sites last Friday and posted on that date.

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