Job Abandonment?
1 Post
I have an employee who called her supervisor at home last Monday to say that she would be going to Texas because her boyfriend's mom is very ill and that she would be back in a couple of weeks. She said that she would call back the next day to talk to her supervisor more about it. We have yet to hear from her. If she does not call this week or show up next week, can we terminate her? Any advice is greatly appreciated. Thank you.
How did the supervisor respond when she called him or her? Do your supervisors have the authority to grant unpaid leaves of absence?
If she thought the supervisor approved the absence, she may not think her job is in jeopardy. At our company, the supervisor would have either approved the leave (and filled out proper form and submitted to HR) or disapproved it and told her to call HR the next morning.
From the prior postings you can read "follow your policy"! I concur, but I also jump to FMLA and the ee's qualification potential as an issue depending on her reasoning for a sudden departure, a boyfriend"s relative certainly does not fit! What is her performance issues, if she is, otherwise, a good employee, you may be able to put her on a special leave of absence w/o pay; you may wish not to terminate until you can resolve all legal issues. Previously posted, is the most critical item: "WHAT DID THE SUPERVISOR SAY, AND ARE THERE ANY WITNESSES TO THEIR CONVERSATION?" Jump on this and get his and any witness written statements, before the issue becomes cold and forgotten!
In the meantime, if you find that the supervisor gave the EE the understanding that the leave was granted and should not have been, use your emergency contact numbers to try and get the message to the EE that she should call in and straighten out the situation.
That means you need to decide how you are going to handle it. Get your ducks lined up all in a row before you contact the EE.