Employment Application

I have only been in HR for two and 1/2 years, however, we have always had a blank for social security number and/or driver's license. I received a copy of a page from KASB (Kansas Association of School Boards) that stated asking for this information is a violation of a person's privacy rights.

Just curious if you are omitting this information from your applications and what do you ask for (within legal limits) to assist you in obtaining references, etc.?



  • 4 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • It is not illegal in the State of Washington to ask for both SS # and Driver's Lic # on the application, which we do in our company.
  • I'm not sure where they've gotten their information. Non of the seminars I've been to have mentioned anything like this before. I'll have to do some more research. Thanks for your response!
  • Putting legality aside, I have to say, I wouldn't want to give a POTENTIAL employer my ss number. We don't ask for it on an application due to the privacy of others. I wouldn't want to be responsible for someone obtaining a ss number from one of my applications. Would you be able to ask the candidate for it at a later time in order to do references?
  • WE could ask for it at a later time, however, the statement made in this newsletter said that only after hiring the applicant should we request that information.
    I don't recommend hiring until reference checks are done. Unfortunately, I have had to deal with a few Administrators who have done just that and found out after the fact that a newly hired employee had some pretty bad/scary information out there. And we have to deal with the consequences of a poor decision.

    I'm going to get in touch with one of the attorneys at KASB to find out more.

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