Religion and Discrimination

We have an employee who is an Asst. Minister. She does not want to work on Sundays. Her religion does not prohibit working on Sundays. I understand that we have to accomodate religious observances, beliefs, and practices. While what she wants to do is voluntary, does it fall within the parameters of a religious practice for the purposes of Title 7? I am inclined to think it does.
A faith may not expressly forbid Sunday (or Saturday)work, but the individual's convictions will lead them to desire to observe it as a day of rest.
Personally, I have worked many Sunday's in my career, probably too many. But, out of religious convinctions, I would not accept a job that required me to work every Sunday or on a consistent basis. If you can accomodate this ee, I would suggest you do so. If it is detrimental to the business, they may have to find other work.
If we have to accomodate her, it would require more creative scheduling. We were thinking of the following options/accomodations: keeping the new schedule and giving her the responsibility of finding her own replacement where overtime isn't an issue; or giving her every Sat to work.
I guess I'm having trouble with the line between "practices" per Title 7 and personal convictions that don't necessarily rise to the level of a protected activity.
In this case, since you are changing the schedule, see if you can make the accomodation.
The first issue is it a religious belief. From your posting it is not clear that it is a "religious belief" not to work on Sunday or that working on Sunday interfers with the employee's "second job" of being a minister and presumably performing services. I suggest that you seek a clarification because if it is the latter, it makes the analysis somewhat easier.
Secondly, let us presume that it is a religious belief not to work on Sunday. Accommodation for religious reasons does not have the same meaning as accommodation under the ADA. The Supreme Court holds that only the de minimus accommodation is required because any greater requirement would potentially place the government in a position of violating the First Amendment. De minimus means a slight or small change. It is easier to define de minimus in terms of what you do not have to do. For example, if you have a seniority system, you do not have to change it. If everyone is working this rotation, you do not have to exempt the employee from the rotation unless you are exempting other employees. YOU DO have to allow the employee to solicite volunteers to work the Sundays, but if no one wants to do so, you do not have to force others to take the employee's place.
I suggest that you consult with your legal counsel in order to devise a strategy to deal with this issue. There are a lot of pitfalls. You should also recognize that the EEOC has no idea how to handle religious discrimination issues. As a result, it is imperative to work with your attorney to be prepared to justify your position.
Good luck.
Vance Miller
Editor, Missouri Employment Law Letter
Armstrong Teasdale LLP
(314) 621-5070
Please elaborate on your statement, "the EEOC has no idea how to handle religious discrimination issues." Coincidentally, I just received notice today from the EEOC on an ex-employee who is claiming she was terminated because she was a Muslim. This is quite the shock, since no one in the office seems to have even known she was a Muslim, not even the people she worked directly with. Her statement offers little info as to how she believes she was discriminated against (probably because she wasn't.) I'd like further info on what you meant by that statement.
In regard to your current charge, allegations of discrimination against Muslims or Arabs is a hot button issue for the EEOC. Of course, if you do not know what religion a person is, it is hard to discriminate against them on account of their religion. However,the EEOC will look at the person's name or national origin and then may presume that you "assumed" that the person was Muslim. It is always interesting trying to prove a negative.
I hope this helps. I do suggest that you consult with your attorneys in regard to the charge.
Vance Miller
Editor, Missouri Employment Law Letter
Armstrong Teasdale LLP
(314) 621-5070
I worked in the ski industry for a while and during the season, management was expected to work 6 days a week. I had every Sunday off in exchange for another manager who wanted every Saturday off.
I don't know if something like that will work at your shop, but if you can accomodate and stay out of some expensive regulatory procedure, it might make economic sense and produce another happy EE who thinks your company walks on water.